Drawings, Instagram Updates, Monologue Soft Sketchbook A4, Portrait, Quick Sketch

In Loving Memory of Lola Maria

Drawings, Paintings, Portrait


(*Lola means grandmother, in the Filipino language)

This is the last gift that I ever gave my grandmother. It isn’t even finished yet when I handed it to her at the Pulmonary Intensive Care Unit of the Veterans Memorial Medical Center.

Back then, the whole drawing was just graphic pencils and little bits of color -which was intentional, but it was a bit uneven, because I rushed it because I wasn’t happy with my first two attempts, that drawing was take 3. I was always extremely anxious when I’m making something for people who are important to me: always fussing over even the littlest details, always feeling it’s not enough.

An-Artwork-A-Day, Day 2

An Artwork A Day, Berkeley Watercolor Pad 270mmx380mm 1, Fashion

gold dress 1

I thought of this design years ago, I had sketched it roughly back then.

I was thinking of how to make a woman’s hips fuller. I was thinking of my mother’s hips –which I think is so narrow. heehee.

I used gold, brown, and white poster paint on cream-colored watercolor paper.

*clarification: this is a one-piece dress. not two piece (the colors faded when I scanned it. *facepalm*). It just so happens that I did not color the skin part, and the trunk part of the dress was supposed to be cream in color.

The Tribe, The Beads and The Twenties

Berkeley Watercolor Pad 270mmx380mm 1, Contest Entries, Fashion
-watercolor, ink, colored pencil on paper
-my entry for Marie Claire and Instituto Europeo di Design -Barcelona’s Fashion Illustration Contest
(unfortunately I didn’t win. :P)
-I designed the dress and I my reference for the shoes is this: http://www.designerwholesalesources.com/images/discount-christian-dior-shoes-6.jpg