An-Artwork-A-Day, Day 3: The Lost Boy

An Artwork A Day, Berkeley Watercolor Pad 270mmx380mm 1, Featured, Paintings

An-Artwork-A-Day, Day 3: The Lost Boy

Okay, I did not make this today, I just finished it today.
I made this last year (March 13) and I promised myself to finish it the next day but I guess, like many things, I forgot. I have left about a ton of unfinished artworks over the years (maybe it’s possible I have ADD? that might explain it.) so I guess I’ll finish some to post for my “An Artwork A Day” thing. Because I also promised myself to finish each one. That’s hitting two birds with one stone, right?

I used gouache on cream-colored watercolor paper. It’s the first time I used gouache, I hope it doesn’t look so bad.

I think I painted this back when I’ve just seen the movie “Where The Wild Things Are“. At the same time, I thought of Peter Pan‘s friends, the Lost Boys (that’s what they called themselves, right?). I didn’t have a reference for this. I just imagined a face. It ended up looking a bit familiar: it kind of looked like my old classmate, and a little like the Filipino actor, Piolo Pascual. . . or maybe I’m imagining things. If ever I’m not imagining things, those similarities are purely coincidental.

An-Artwork-A-Day, Day 1: Le Crappy Monroe

An Artwork A Day, Black Star Art Spiral Sketchbook, Featured

An-Artwork-A-Day, Day 1: Le Crappy Monroe

I was practicing quick sketching. .
I was dizzy so the drawing didn’t look much like my reference (I can’t try so hard because I’m dizzy).
I was trying to figure out what will work better for me.

Of course I wasn’t thinking so much, so I didn’t realize that the blacks of my 6B pencil will mix in with the oil pastel I had just shaded on top of it. On the other hand, I was just experimenting to see what will happen next.

Then, without thinking again (haha), I tried to fix the grays with some leftover gouache paint from my palette (they’ve dried so I just wet them so I can use them again). Of course, it didn’t really stick because of the oily nature of the pastel, but somehow I liked the effect.

It looked like crap, but I guess that was my intention. Besides, I’ve come across many art/illustrations that are just as rough.

This was my reference, by the way:

Marilyn Monroe. Photograph: Eve Arnold/PA (flip the image and then it becomes my reference)

I know, right, it doesn’t look the same —in fact far from the same. But then again, I wasn’t really paying that much attention. 😛

I’m just trying to do as I promised, to make one artwork -any artwork for each day.

(. . .and this one, I did yesterday.)